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We care about what matters most to people. It’s why we lead on safety and connect with care. It’s where an extensive local network connects directly into the communities to ensure reliable access to alternate energy for all. No matter where you live or make a living, seamless and consistent access to gas shouldn’t be a worry. We’ve got you covered so you can put your energy where it matters most.’s Steel Supplies Wodonga is “Your Local Independent Steel Supplier”. We service Albury Wodonga and surrounding regions. For all your RHS, purlin, pipe, roofing and fencing materials and products. Our steel supplies complex in Osburn Street Wodonga allows easy access for ‘Drive Through’ pick up of your steel materials, we are always on hand to offer assistance and advice. to the site of what is fast becoming one of the best loved gourmet pies in Australia! Star Hotel Yackandandah has been the centrepiece of the local community since 1863. A lot has changed since the Goldrush, but the Star Hotel remains a much-loved meeting place for folks looking to enjoy some time with friends over a few drinks or a delicious meal in the dining room. We love the local community atmosphere that still lives on at the Star Hotel, more than 150 years after its doors were first opened. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because The Star Hotel gained fame in the 2004 Paul Hogan film ‘Strange Bedfellows’, as well as being featured on ABC’s Backroads program. develops and manufactures products for buried utility locating, fiber-optic cable locating, ferrous metal detection, coating analysis and performing ACVG surveys on cathodic protected pipes, finding sheath to ground faults on cables, inspecting the interior of pipes and ducts, and mapping of buried utilities.